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johnsmith美国文学作品评价,jonathan edwards美国文学

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美国文学中称captain john smith 是第一位美国作家, 可是他明明是英国人,怎样界定初期作家的国籍问题?

我们来看wei基百科。 有些。他的确是个英国人。但是。他被美国人纪念是因为他建立了第一个永久定居点。所以啊。还是英国。是最早来美国的英国人。美国文明?




Captain John Smith (c. January 1580 – June 21, 1631) Admiral of New England was an English soldier, explorer, and author. He was knighted for his services to Sigismund Bathory, Prince of Transylvania and friend Mózes Székely. He is remembered for his role in establishing the first permanent English settlement in North America at Jamestown, Virginia, and his brief association with the Virginia Indian[1] girl Pocahontas during an altercation with the Powhatan Confederacy and her father, Chief Powhatan. He was a leader of the Virginia Colony (based at Jamestown) between September 1608 and August 1609, and led an exploration along the rivers of Virginia and the Chesapeake Bay.。

John Smith有什么典故


这里的John Smith指的是男性生殖器!



Little John就是小鸡鸡的意思!

John Smith 这个名字在美国人看来为什么那么假啊?

因为John Smith是美国最多的名和姓,看了就觉得是假名那种程度。

约翰在美国实在是一个超级大众的名字,尤其在这个词组诞生的时候格外普遍。另外了,约翰这个名字也往往被用来指示无名人士,比方很常见的John Doe或者John Smith。相当于张三李四。有时当面对陌生人说话也会称对方Mr. Smith。

John Smith意思:

约翰·史密斯囧·史密斯(英文:John Smith)是一个英语圈中男子通用名字,史密斯(Smith)的本义为铁匠,常作为假名使用,在ACG领域可以是指:






6、The Doctor————《神秘博士》中的主角,“博士”使用的化名之一。


8、约翰·史密斯————《攻壳机动队 SAC_2045》的登场角色。


真巧啊,刚刚看完一本相关的书。john smith(1580-1631),作品a true relation of virginia 《关于弗吉尼亚的真实叙述》

john smith的英文简介

John Smith (died 1809) was a professor at Dartmouth College and the author of the first unpointed Hebrew grammar book published in the United States.

Smith was born in Byfield, Massachusetts. After graduating from Dartmouth, he moved to West Hartford, Connecticut, and became a pastor. In 1777, he returned to Dartmouth as a professor in of English, Greek, Latin, Hebrew and Aramaic.

Smith arrived in Hanover in 1771 after graduating from Byefield Academy where he had studied under the classical scholar Samuel Moody. He was admitted to the junior class and graduated in 1773. He then studied divinity under Dartmouth President Eleazar Wheelock while serving as tutor in ancient languages for the freshman and sophomore classes. In 1776 he was granted the degree of Master of Arts. He was then appointed Dartmouth's first professor in November 1777. The agreement between Eleazar Wheelock and John Smith was written in November 1777 and amended by Dartmouth's Trustees in August 1778.

From his early interest in Greek and Latin, he soon proceeded to master Hebrew, Chaldaic, Arabic and other oriental languages. In 1780 he also prepared an interesting set of lectures on Natural Philosophy covering Newtonian astronomy and earth science, in which he speculated on the possibility of multiple peopled worlds and the origin of the Indians. These lectures seem to have stimulated his students Solomon Spaulding and Ethan Smith to further speculate on the later subject.

In 1779 Smith also was appointed college librarian. After the death of Professor of Divinity Sylvanus Ripley in 1787, he absorbed Ripley's duties. In 1788 Smith was also appointed to the Board of Trustees. He also was pastor of the College Church and led the daily chapel sessions.

In the late 1790s and early 19th century he prepared a remarkable set of theological lectures that covered various aspects of the details of his Armininan (free will), non Calvinist thinking. All of his published grammars and unpublished lectures and grammars can be found in the Rauner Special collections library at Dartmouth.

His theological work was so appreciated by the Freewill Baptists at Brown that he was granted a Doctor of Divinity degree in 1803. He was in the final stages of preparing his theology lectures for publication in 1809 when he died. His work generally anticipated the efforts of Joseph Smith's development of Mormon doctrine.

Smith died from tuberculosis in 1809.