
5U文学网 > 美文 > 原创美文 > 我喜欢阅读文学类的书籍的英语,你喜欢读什么类型的书籍英文


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1. 一篇关于读书的英文作文和意思

Read for learning

I like reading very much,because i know that reading can help

me to do better in learn.

I read the famous poems,newspapers,books and so on. When

i am free,i choose a book and start reading.After reading i always

feel fortable,reading is relaxing.

Of course,i have learned a lot of things from reading,for example,

how to make friends and how to live a better life.


因为 我 知道,读能帮助,所以我喜欢非常读



i 是免费的, i 选择一本书而且开始读。在读 i 之后总是


当然, i 已经从阅读得知许多事物,举例来说,


2. 100字英语作文

I think reading is very important and useful.Reading can help us learn a lot of knowledge.Some people say reading is useless,because they think reading will cost much money and take much time.

As a student,he may think reading is very hard and make him very tired.This is wrong.If we want to have a good life in the future,we must read well.Reading isn't a difficult thing.We can listen carefully in class and do homework carefully.If we can do these ,we will feel very happy from reading.

读书有用还是无用(reading is useful or useless)



3. 阅读的快乐英语作文

Part ofthe pleasure of readingReading,letevery day Ispentan interesting andhappytimes,and not asyouimagineddull as ditch water,let mefeel a kind ofunique joy!"Books of human nutrition".Read a good bookthanoverten good friends.Every nightafter work,I took out thebooks they like,justeat with appetitelooks.Reading,let melearn a lot of knowledge,worry,quietlyreading a book,let theheart troubles,withreading timeslipped away;when happy,happyreading a book,let his moodmore cheerful.Readingmakes mefeel a kind ofunique!Maybesome people would say:"of yourspare timewithout a breakah,haveread a Book?"Then I tell you:"don'tplay puter games,watch TVis rest,reading is also agoodrest way!"In the reading ofthe human brain andthe body willhave a good rest,readingwithout too manydistracting thoughts,just know,what is good,what is bad,whatto do,what notto do.As long asa little timeevery day weout ofreading,thevision and knowledge.You will beimproved,and the timewill not bewasted,because I think,a waste of timeis the mostregretthing in life.So,let us act together now,pick up your book,together to findthe uniquepleasurein reading!阅读的快乐阅读,让我每天度过有趣而又快乐的美好时光,并不是像大家所想象的枯燥无味,让我感受到一种独特的快乐!“书籍是人类的营养品”.读一本好书胜过交十个好朋友.每天晚上做完作业,我拿出自己喜欢的书籍,就津津有味的看起来.阅读,让我学到许多知识,烦恼时,安静的读一本书,让心中的烦恼,随着读书的时间悄然离去;欢乐时,快乐的读一本书,让自己的心情更加的开朗.阅读让我感受到一种独特的快乐!也许有些人会说:“你业余时间不休息啊,就一直看书啊?”那我告诉你:“不一定玩电脑、看电视就是休息,阅读也是一种很好休息的方式!”在阅读中人的大脑和身体也会得到很好的休息,阅读时没有太多的杂念,只知道,什么是好的,什么是坏的,什么可以去做,什么不可以去做.只要我们每天挤出一点时间阅读,那你的视野和知识面就会得到提高,而时间就不会白白浪费了,因为我觉得,浪费时间是一生中最后悔的事情.所以,让我们一起行动起来吧,拿起你的书,一起在阅读中寻找那独特的快乐吧。

4. 急求一篇关于如何读书的英语作文,快啊

中文:在法国,从 *** 要员到作家、教授乃至普通百姓,几乎都有爱书和读书的习惯。





从表面上观之,“读三年《易经》”怕是够从容的了,然而,不求审美体验、感情共鸣,不求甚解,又怎与从容读书沾上边去?同是读书,亦喜背诵,文学巨匠茅盾却从容得可以。他照样能熟练地背出120回的《红楼梦》,茅盾在长篇小说创作上取得巨大成就,不就归源于其从容读书,能够把书本知识转化为精神的养料? 镇镇定定、从从容容读书的人,怕不乏读书的情趣。

想当年,司马温公启卷“必先几案洁净,藉以茵褥,然后端坐之”,有的则“夜雨孤灯乱翻书”,有的以为“读书要在床上、炉旁、雾烟中、酒瓶边才行,这样才能读出味道来”。于是,我猜想鲁迅读史,从通篇尽是“仁义道德”的字缝里,看出满本都是写着“吃人”两字,看出了几千年的历史只有两个时代,即百姓想做奴隶而不得的时代和暂时做稳了奴隶的时代——这石破天惊之言,固然依恃的是其慧眼睿识,然而,何以不跟鲁迅一茶一烟相伴,不慌不忙解构、有滋有味剖析有关? 一个人真要做到从容读书,没有把读书当作心灵义务,没有把一段青春时光托付给高贵的思想和真诚的文字,那大抵是不行的。




就拿法国密特朗总统来说,他从政数十年,无论政务活动多么繁忙,每天不读两小时书总是夜不安寝的。一个国家的总统其繁忙程度当是可想而知的,其尚且能够从容读书,那么我们呢? 著名作家茹志娟书室挂着写有“煮书”二字的条幅。


‘煮’是何等烂熟、透彻。” 如果把好的书籍视为朋友,那么一个不会“煮书”的人,坐在一群才华横溢的朋友中间,除了是一具木偶、一个讽刺和一种折磨而外,又能是什么呢?有位书人说:“每个人都是一个神,然后才有奥林匹斯神界的欢聚。”

说得多精彩呵!欲要成“神”,则不妨从“煮书”始,不妨学会从容读书! 或许,我们穷尽一生亦无法接近从容的境界,然而,崇尚从容品质的过程,毫无疑问已经开始从容了。 英文:In France, from government officials to writer, professors and ordinary people, almost all have love books and the habit of reading. No wonder a French man said: "if the room no book, just like a person who has no soul." If we can say so? The French study, not because of the burden and living life pressure by strong interest, but because the traction, feelings and wonderful USES. If the journey of mind reading as words, so calmly really is the most critical. Whatever you read what, all need to give yourself a few full time, a quiet atmosphere -- writing is individual behavior, reading and why not personal experience? Reading once in the calm state, is coupled to YuanRen WuHui said, "as the ShangYou ancient how", that is to say, at this moment, the scholar has mentally and the ancients photograph munication, phase munication, thereby edify, purification, raised his mind world. If the essence of easy reading, however, but not everyone can grasp. Recently, read this story and think o quite will tell. LiuCheng northern-southern dynasties have an academician, he called from QingDengHuangJuan, studious, do not eat, sleep sitting hand book. Can read back the I ching, three years out, but they don't know the truth. On the surface, "read three years view the I ching" quiet, even enough, however, aesthetic experience, not sentimental sympathetic chord, natural, how to touch with easy reading above? With is reading, also pleased to recite dun, literature but calm enough. He can 。

5. 读书有关的英语作文和翻译

我读书 我快乐 读书是一种享受,我们可以在享受中得到体会; 读书是一种体会,我们可以在享受中得到乐趣; 读书是一种乐趣,我们可以在享受中得到知识;我读书,我快乐! 书籍是人类进步的阶梯,它可以引导我们奋力前进,更进一步。


书籍,它教导我们要脚踏实地,问心无愧地迈向成功。 书籍是人类的朋友,而读书则是人类的亲密朋友。


读一本文学经典,诗情画意随即呈现眼前:北朝民歌《敕勒歌》“天苍苍,野茫茫,风吹草低见牛羊”描绘了北方大草原的辽阔,牧草丰盛,牛羊成群的迷人风光;贺知章的《咏柳》“不知细叶谁裁出,二月春风似剪刀”通过赞美柳树,进而赞美春天,讴歌春的无限创造力;孟浩然的《春晓》“夜来风雨声,花落知多少”则表现了大自然的盎然春意和勃勃生机;王维的《鹿柴》“返景入深林,复照青苔上”描绘了鹿柴附近的空山深林在傍晚时分的幽静景色……诗词们都能让人陶冶情操,益人心智。 读一本史书,一幕幕动人心弦的场面历历在目:“秦王扫六合”、陈胜,吴广起义、楚汉之争、汉武帝的大一统……它解开了紧锁历史的密码,打开尘封的史册,见证过往的兴盛和繁荣,发人深省。

读一本古典小说,艺术性和思想性结合的情景在脑海中泛起狂澜:罗贯中的《三国演义》描写了东汗末年和三国时期错综复杂的政治与军事斗争;施耐庵的《水浒传》歌颂了农民的斗争精神;吴成恩的《西游记》赞颂了人民蔑视封建统治、勇于反抗的精神;曹雪芹的《红楼梦》揭示了封建社会必然崩溃的历史趋势,耐人寻味。 读一本意义方长的书,能加深我们的理解能力,让灵魂感到冲突。


我读书,我快乐! Reading is a kind of enjoyment, we can reading is a joy Reading is an experience, we can have fun in enjoy; Reading is a pleasure, we can get knowledge in enjoy; I read a book, I am happy! Books are the ladder of the progress of mankind, it can guide us push on, one step further. Read a good book, can make us from vulgar, from ignorance, get there as if there is a kind of book fragrance with we belong to, elegant diffuse. A culture of the musical sound, can give a person a kind of pure and fresh feeling, a noble temperament. Books, it teaches us to be down-to-earth, a clear conscience towards success. Books are friends of human beings, and reading is a close friend of the human. In the process of reading, we can develop a culture; If often to study, to read, to think about, can from the central to local find new knowledge, is the so-called "a lot", still can put knowledge firmly remember, just like on the mind. "In the book, in the book has its own the gold room has its own YanRuYu", only read health benefits of book, study hard, can be you happy future lay the good foundation. Read a literary classics, poetic eyes immediately present: north Korean folk song "ChiLeGe" "days old, wild boundless, the wind grass low see cattle and sheep" described the north of the great plains vast territory, abundant forage grass, herds of charming scenery; The HeZhiZhang "to sing liu" "don't know fine leaf who cut out, February the spring breeze like scissors" through the praise the willow tree, and then praise spring, spring song of the infinite creativity; Meng haoran's "dawn" "storm night, the flower falls sound 。

6. 有关读书的英语作文和翻译、

Books are the ladder of human progress, as long as the heart to feel, can realize the joy of.The book is like be fatigued with the journey of the tramp, and like travel extensively traveler, belly full of strange and eccentric.Beautiful scenery and the remotest corners of the globe. It is a mag to attract me, right in front of me showing in different poses and with different expressions ofThousands of the world, and made me feel as if the world narrowed many. It is they, my understanding of Asia, Europe。

. 。 I knew the sky and the earth.Every day, I have to drill into the books to read. Every book is deducing a beautiful and moving story, theSome beautiful words makes me revel in it. It attracted me, full, I became a" bookworm", reading has beeMy hobby.I like reading, repeatedly chewing, the charm full of chewing, and then absorption, absorption 。

。In the process of reading, I learned to be human. I want to be a useful person, do a the envy of everyone who,Do a homeland Dongliangzhicai; in the process of reading, purify my heart, my soul in the filthy.Make a clean sweep of the west, forcing me to do a good student asses *** ent of learning; in the process of reading, I enjoy the pleasure of successYue, the book is a teacher, the teacher-student relationship, we are equal, there is no scolded, not angry, bringI, is the joy of success 。

。Every time, I will be incorporated into the story of the book, though, I tasted the taste of Bill Gate the joy of success;The one bitter tears; taste of period of war of resistance against the hardships of life 。

。 With the hero, he likes I like,He is sad I sad.。


I'm a quiet girl,I like reading.My favorite books is the dream of the red chamber .

"I'm not good at math but my chinese is very good


读《泰戈尔散文诗全集》,我觉得这些早已熟稔的文字,和那广为流传的诗句,就像一杯杯的香茗,品上一口便久久萦绕在心头。读了《泰戈尔诗选》,仿佛带我们走近了泰戈尔,他的精神是那般深邃,又是那般细腻,一章章诗集,或小巧玲珑,或灿烂辉宏。泰戈尔用他的哲学和世界给了世人许多智慧,许多启迪。 轻轻地翻,闲闲地逡巡。蓦然间,便会有一篇篇地美文闯入你的眼帘:“你想说他什么尽管说罢,但是我知道我孩子的短处。 我爱他并不因为他好,只是因为他是我的小小的孩子。……



而仔细地欣赏《新月集》,特别是读《家庭》《孩童之道》《不被注意的花饰》《孩子的世界》等诗篇的时候,心中会有一种共同感觉,觉得诗中那些抒情的小主人公,似乎有些扑朔迷离。他们与其说是生活在现实世界中,倒不如说是生活在云端里,花海中。是云和花与他们游戏,为他们唱迷人的歌曲;是新月和秋云在梦中送给他们最初的微笑。他们是人,也是“神”。诗中刻画的孩子们的形象从形态、性格、语言、行动、喜乐,直至生活环境,都更像人们心目中的“天使”,更富有诗意和情趣,因而也就更为人们所喜爱。泰戈尔之所以这样描写,是与他所信奉的宗教有关。因此,诗中描写的孩子比“人”更可爱。体现了诗人的思想哲理,又表现了孩子的童真,以及伟大的母爱。在诗里,诗人不是将童真看成为独立的因素,而是让它与母爱紧紧联系在一起,加以讴歌、赞美,把二者看成为相辅相成的东西。这一思想,在《开始》《不被注意的花饰》等诗里,尤为明显。他这样做,不仅为表现孩子们的童心童真提供了一个更广阔的背景,而且还写出了童真赖以存在的感情基础。在生活中我们会看到,没有母爱的孩子,是不大可能幸福的;而没有幸福的童年,则是黯淡无光的。他的天真烂漫,他的无忧无虑,都将随之失去,他的童心将是一颗被扭曲的,它有可能过早地被“成熟”所替代。相反,只有在“母爱”的抚育之下,“童真之花”才会越开越艳丽。泰戈尔正是深明这个 理,才将“母爱”和“童真”,共同予以赞颂,这样描写也使孩子们身上更富有感情色彩,更血肉丰满。 因此,读着泰戈尔的诗,宛若在听一首首宛转动听的小夜曲,涵养了人生的哲理,描绘了恬静的生活,比喻精湛,排比精炼,意境悠远,回味无穷;读着泰戈尔的诗,宛若一声声敲响的铃铛,使自己无数次地回首所走之路

我最喜欢的文学 英语演讲稿

Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Today I’m very glad to be here with you to share my stories and opinions about reading. I love reading from the bottom of my heart. And I do learn a lot from books. I know the wonderful stories of great heroes in history, secrets of nature, mysteries of UFO and our universe. To me , books are like a faithful friend, always around me , giving me enjoyment and wisdom.

I remember when I was in primary school, ten or eleven years old, my father borrowed some books from the library in his school. Those were among the greatest works of the world, including Abrabian Nights、The legend of Deification, Journey to the West, and The Romance of the Three Kingdoms. These books were all written in ancient Chinese characters but I tried to read the heavy books and were deeply attracted. From then on, I spared every minute to read whatever I could get. Whenever I got a new book, I kept reading until I finished it despite time and place. I read books even in class or just a few minutes before the exams. In my mind, there is always an unforgettable scene: lying in bed, nervous but excited, my friend and I read a book together in the weak light of a flashlight , with a quilt on us, in order not to be blamed by parents. All my classmates thought I was crazy and gave me a nickname “bookworm”. So you can understand why I got my eyes shortsighted.

Till now, I still like reading as I used to. And I’m very pleased to see that my ten-year-old son loves reading just like me. I have bought him many books. Whenever you come into my home, you can find books in every corner. But the place where my son and I enjoy reading most is in the toilet. So it often happens in the morning: one is in the toilet reading something comfortably, while another walking outside , shouting. For my age, I like to read magazines or short stories to get relaxation as well as inspiration.

Today we live in a world of prosperity. Never before have we faced so many temptation from the outside world. Never before have we had so many chances to enjoy our lives. We drive rather than walking; we go online to chat with people we’ve never met before instead of talking to friends around us. But there’s always something that cannot be replaced and forgotten., such as books. So I will allow myself to continue the journey in the ocean of books until the very end of my life.

Finally, I’d like to end my speech with a great philosopher, writer and thinker, Francis Bacon’s famous saying: Reading makes a full man. Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability.

Thank you very much.



直到现在,我仍然喜欢读书,因为我习惯了。 ,我很高兴地看到,我十年岁的儿子和我一样喜欢阅读。我给他买了很多书。每当你走进我家来,你可以找到的每一个角落的书籍。但我儿子的地方,我最喜欢阅读的厕所。因此,它常常发生在早晨:一个是在读点轻松的厕所,而另一个走到外面,大叫。对于我这个年龄,我喜欢看杂志或短篇故事中得到放松和灵感。




《我最喜欢的一本书》英语作文 急急急!!谢谢

我最喜爱的一本书 书,是一柄放大镜,我透过它去探索世界的奥妙;书,是一个热气球,承载着我大知识的海洋里自由自在地遨游;书,是一把金钥匙,带领我打开蕴藏了无穷力量的智慧宝库;书,也是我的好朋友,伴随着我成长。如今,我的生活已离不开书,更离不开我最喜爱的一本书——《儿童文学》。







I like reading, I like "Old Man and the Sea," this book. I like this book a lot. For example, "Now is not the time to think about what the lack of the things to think about their existing what you can do"; "every day is a new day. Of course, luck is good, but I prefer to do exactly right. In this way, luck comes, you will be prepared. "This book let me understand a lot of truth. So I hope all of you to read. I believe that we have harvested.
