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Robinson Crusoe is one of the world's most popular adventure novels. Daniel Defoe based his classic tale of shipwreck and survival on an uninhabited island, which is based on a true story. The real Robinson Crusoe was a Scotsman named Alexander Selkirk Born in 1676, when Selkirk was 19 years old he was cited for indecent conduct in church. Then he ran off to sea. That was in 1695. By 1703 he was the sailing master of a galley. The following year he joined a pirate expedition to the Pacific Ocean that was led by Capt. William Dampier. Selkirk's ship had Thomas Straddling as its captain.

After spending some time in the Pacific, they were preparing to return to England with their booty. Their ship had suffered considerable damage in battle and Selkirk felt they needed to repair her before setting off around the Horn. The captain disagreed. After an argument, Selkirk refused to go any farther and demanded he be set ashore on the Island of Juan Fernandez, which was about 400 miles off the coast of Chile. The captain was glad to do this.


Ishmael in Moby Dick

Ishmael is a pleasing character, who plays the role of the main character as well as narrator. He makes up for with a full personality that his described extensively throughout the book. Ishmael is a man who seeks what is best described as “inner peace”. He is very content with himself when on the water, and has a great love for being a seaman. He joins the crew of the Pequod to satisfy his longing to be back on the ocean, but as it turns out, the particular voyage he is to set out on is not what he had suspected. For this ship would be commanded by a half-crazed captain in a desperate search for a viscous white whale. Over all, Ishmael is definitely the most civilized and wise man in the story.


《Harry Potter》tells us a story about Harry Potter, a boy whose parents had been killed by a devil man named Voldemort. Harry and his best friend Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger have experienced a series of adventures. Finally, they successfully kill Voldemort. It's really a fantastic magic movie which talks about love, friendship and loyalty between Harry and those people around him. The three leading actors in the movie have done a great job to express Harry's bravery, Hermione's wisedom and Ron's faith in friends.

《哈利·波特》系列魔幻小说,英国女作家J.K.罗琳(Joanne Kathleen Rowling)著,其作品被翻译成近70种语言,在全世界200多个国家累计销量达3亿多册。 《哈利·波特》系列以霍格沃茨魔法学校为主要舞台,叙述了哈利与邪恶魔法势力作斗争的故事。销量数亿册,被评为最畅销的4部儿童小说之一,成为继米老鼠、史努比、加菲猫等卡通形象以来最成功的儿童偶像。



《哈利·波特》(Harry Potter)是英国作家J·K·罗琳(J. K. Rowling)于1997~2007年所著的魔幻文学系列小说,共7部。其中前六部以霍格沃茨魔法学校(Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry)为主要舞台,描写的是主人公——年轻的巫师学生哈利·波特在霍格沃茨前后六年的学习生活和冒险故事;第七本描写的是哈利·波特在第二次魔法界大战中在外寻找魂器并消灭伏地魔的故事。



William Dean Howells 豪威尔斯,w,D.(William Dean Howells l837-1920)






J.M.库切 著


邹海伦 译




内森•英格兰德 著






库尔特·冯内古特 著


刘珠还 译




保罗·奥斯特 著


文敏 译




玛格丽特·阿特伍德 著


韩忠华 译






李文俊 / 何上峰 译


《九故事》(J. D. 塞林格著,李文俊、何上峰译)以兼具天真和荒诞的少年视角探讨婚姻生活、少年成长、母子关系、战争、艺术、天才甚至小说创作本身等诸多主题。极少对人物、事物或其因果逻辑进行评断,而只呈现故事本身。


V.S.奈保尔 著


吴正 译




扎迪·史密斯 著


杨佩桦 / 聂清风 译




莫欣·哈米德 著


吴刚 译




朱利安·巴恩斯 著


郭国良 译




1. 戴思杰《巴尔札克与小裁缝》(Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress)

2. 韩少功《马桥辞典》(A Dictionary of Maqiao)

3. J.G. 巴拉德《太阳帝国》(Empire of the Sun)

4. 麦家《解密》(Decoded)

5. 裘小龙《石库门骊歌》(When Red is Black)

6. 吴明益《复眼人》(The Man with the Compound Eyes)

7. 李翊云《漂泊者》(The Vagrants)

8. 闵安琪《毛夫人》(Becoming Madame Mao)

9. 鲁迅《阿Q正传》(The Real Story of Ah Q and Other Tales of China)

10. 余华《活着》(To Live)

11. 张爱玲《倾城之恋》(Love in a Fallen City)

12. 莫言《红高粱家族》(Red Sorghum)

13. 钱钟书《围城》(Fortress Besieged)

14. 迟子建《额尔古纳河右岸》(The Last Quarter of the Moon)

15. 老舍《猫城记》(Cat Country)

16. 赛珍珠《大地》(The Good Earth)

17. 阎连科《丁庄梦》(Dream of the Ding Village)

18. 马建《拉面者》(The Noodle Maker)

19. 盛可以《北妹》(Northern Girls)

20. 陈希我《冒犯书》(The Book of Sins)


1. 英文小说

2. 100句值得珍藏的英语名言

3. 值得一看的英语励志电影


I am a middle school student.And our teacher asks us to read some magazines or newspapers after school.I read "Beijing Youth Daily" (北京青年报)every day.My parents also like this newspaper very much.Sometimes,we talk about the news in the newspaper.There is much news about different thiongs in this newspaper. And I can get a lot of knowledge from it.I think it is very helpful for my study.


A lot of people ask me which book is my most favorite one, and I always proudly answer them , which is all history about China. This will be a long story for me to read this book. First time I touched this book is when I was 5 years old. My mother bought it to me as my 5-years-old gift. This is a really wonderful present to me,which is opening a history gate to me , a totally innocent boy. I almost fot the dinner after I read the first page. From then on, I was the historist in my class and showed my knowledge from that book to my clas *** eates. When I became older and older, I knew more about it and feel more confident about my own China. I am proud that I am a Chinese and I will make more effort to build a more powerful country and let Chinese history more brilliant. As me, this is the most important book in my life and now I still read it and recite some part of it. I think everyone should read it and get this wonderful experenice.


I am a middle school student.And our teacher asks us to read some magazines or newspapers after school.I read "Beijing Youth Daily" (北京青年报)every day.My parents also like this newspaper very much.Sometimes,we talk about the news in the newspaper.There is much news about different thiongs in this newspaper. And I can get a lot of knowledge from it.I think it is very helpful for my study.


The most interesting book I think would be The Lord of the Rings. First, I enjoy this kind of stories about the magic and mysterious world with wizards, warriors, and heroes. And the battle beeen the good and evil always seems historic and sometimes I even hope that I could join the battle as an excellent wizard serving for my people and the honor of the Holy light. Besides it's the story about bravery, persistence, loyalty, love and sacrifice for the world, all the good qualities that define us as civilized human. Besides the story is full of imagination and has description of diverse landscape and glorious castles. As an architect, I'm also interested in this aspect. In short, that's why it has affected me most.









Books are the stairs that lead us to success.Reading lots of books is of great useful to us .Every signal person has his facorate book and my favorate book is is written by jiangwu in 1990,it tells us a story beeen a wolf and a man named Chen Zhen. Chen picked a wolf from a wolf den and began to raise it. with time going ,the little wolf was bigger and bigger and it finally know itself was a wolf .he want to go home very much but it couldn't .finally , it dead.the story is very touching ,it's worth reading.


people often say that god and silver are the most valuable things in the world ,But i don't think so ,in my opinion to read books is more valuable than anything else .in all the book that i read ,i like the english multifunctional positions best ,it helps me study best ,in it ,there are many good positions that i can use ,it also let me study many things;sucess is won by three things ,first ,effort ,second ,more effort,third,still more effort.i think with the help of this book i can get more sucess





书中的人物描写的栩栩如生,尤其是描写了形形 *** 的小学生形象,他们虽然各有缺点,但每个人都有些闪光的东西。



My name is Huang Xueqin, this year 11 years old, I read the new River Center, fourth-grade class. I have a pair of big eyes, a *** all nose and a big mouth. My favorite thing is the violin, books and puters, I like to do is playing the violin, listening to music, singing, playing on the puter, sitting in the classroom or at home a daze. I have a good friend, her name was King Tong Qi, she was very thin, with big eyes, a *** all nose and a *** all mouth, her favorite subject is music and painting, is a quiet girl.翻译:我的名字叫黄雪琴,今年11岁,我读新河中心小学四年级一班。






My homeMy family is a happy family. Every day, happy, happy. Now I tell you:The first said, mother, she looks like a changed man. Sometimes humorous, sometimes serious, sometimes quiet, sometimes laugh. Although love shopping, but sometimes selfless, but fet to buy their own clothes.Besides a father, he is working in the prestigious " *** all leadership ". Although the love go out to eat, but also very concerned about the house.Then is my. I in home's rich and colorful activities, especially sports. What the badminton, football, have everything that one expects to find. I also love read a book, home has more than 200 books, I almost read. The book I like best is " money ", " dog xiaodoudou ", " Olympic Fuwa roaming mind " ... ...我的家我的家是一个幸福的家。


下面由我给大家讲讲: 先说妈妈吧,她像一个百变人。










I want to introduce the book is Hemingway's the old man and the sea, I think this book is very worth a look, especially in the ownership of the "tough guy" spirit is worth us to learn.The old man and the sea is the background of the story leaves of Cuba in the 20th century. Protagonist is an old fisherman San Diego in a supporting role is a named manolin's child. The old man and the sea is written by an old fisherman fishing in the sea for three days and three nights. Old man in the face of many difficulties, life, other fishermen laugh at, only a *** all boy to send him food. The old man decided to go to fisherman who has never been to the deep sea fishing, to prove your ability and courage. At sea, the old man caught a salmon, but the fish is too big, the old man made countless efforts finally put the fish in the boat, because of that, that caused the tragedy, the fish's blood attracted many shark, the old man was determined, "fight with them, I'll talk to them all to death" finally, went back to the shore, the old man in the boat only strapped to her bones."People are not born for defeat, a man can be destroyed, but can't defeat". Lonely old fisherman San Diego resolute character, superb fishing technique, etc. The outline of his article is not only a tough guy, also saw a variety of different from him, let the person ponder: self-confident, brave, optimistic, simple, lonely, and wise. Old fisherman of this spirit is worth us to learn, to mining. The children from the age of five with the old fishing boat learning, the child's personality traits from another side, reflect the old man's character, showed that kind of not afraid of hard, have the courage to overe difficulties of character; Child is *** all, only a few years old, but it doesn't show very childish; Learned from the old man is not only the skill of fishing, and self-esteem self-improvement of the spirit, and learn to understand the hardships of life with the man's responsibility. Tender shoulder has already accustomed to the morning go out fishing life of hone, even "walk still dozing", still said "this consider as what, a man have to like this." Fist-pumping, be born words fully demonstrates the sound always tough spirit. This spirit is worth us to learn, also let I was moved very much.To what struck me most is the spirit, the old fisherman manolin kid the sort of understand, in life, in learning, or in the later work, when we encounter unprecedented hardships and setbacks, we should consider the alone on the sea and unable to fight the "tough guy" old fisherman, the children of that kind of sensible and self-esteem self-improvement, like him after the life of hone. In this way, we will find that in fact there are a lot of difficulties and not imagined so invincible. If we are to study the spirit, and has the "tough guy" spirit, inspire our biggest potential, can overe we think it is impossible to overe the difficulties.Unless noted, this site articles are original, reproduced please indicate: articles from across the university(我想介绍的书是海明威的《老人与海》,我觉得这本书很值的一看,尤其是文中主人翁的那种“硬汉”的精神 值得我们去学习. 《老人与海》故事的背景是在二十世纪中 叶的古巴.主角人物是一位圣地亚哥的老渔夫,配角是一个叫马诺林的小孩.《老人与海》所写的是一个老渔夫在大海捕鱼三天三夜的经历.老人面对了许多困难,生活窘困,其他渔民的嘲笑,只有一个小男孩给他送饭.老人决定去渔夫们从未去过的深海打渔,以证明自己的能力和勇气.在海上,老人钓到一只大马哈鱼,但是鱼太大,老人做了无数努力终于把鱼挂在了船边,正是因为这样,才导致了悲剧,鱼的血引来了许多鲨鱼,老人下定决心,“跟让它们斗,我要跟它们都到死“最后,回到了岸上,老人的船上只绑着鱼刺.“人不是为失败而生的,一个人可以被毁灭,但不可以给打败”.孤独的老渔夫圣地亚哥刚毅的性格、精湛的钓鱼术等勾勒出他已不仅仅是条硬汉,也从他身上看到了各种不同的、让人深思的境界:自信、勇敢、乐观、单纯、孤寂及睿智.老渔夫的这种精神很值得我们去学习,去挖掘.文中孩子是从五岁起跟老人上船学习捕鱼的,孩子的个性特征从另一个侧面反映了老人的性格,表现出那种不畏艰难的,勇于战胜困难的性格;孩子虽然很小,只有几岁,但并不显很孩子气;从老人那里学到的不仅是捕鱼的本领,还有自尊自强的精神,并学会懂得生活的艰辛与男人的责任.稚嫩的肩膀早已习惯了清早就得出门打鱼的生活的磨砺,纵然是“走路还打瞌睡”,仍然说“这算什么,男子汉就得这样.”铿锵有力,落地有声的言语充分的展示了硬汉子精神.这种精神是很值得我们去学习的,也很让我感动. 给我感触最深的是文中老渔夫的那种精神,马诺林小孩的那种懂事,在生活中,在学习中,还是在以后的工作中,当我们遇到前所未有的苦难...

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